Monday 8 April 2024


3 January 2003 (age 21)
Years active2018–present
MovementSchool Strike for Climate src="//" type="text/javascript">
RelativesOlof Thunberg (grandfather)

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When Thunberg convinced her parents to make lifestyle decisions that lessened her family's carbon footprint, she started her climate activism. On August 20, 2018, at the age of 15, Thunberg started missing school and made a commitment to stay absent until after the Swedish national election in an effort to sway the results. She carried a sign reading "Skolstrejk för klimatet" (School Strike for Climate) and distributed pamphlets during her demonstration outside the Swedish parliament, where she demanded more aggressive action against climate change.[2] Following the election, Thunberg addressed her followers and invited them to record her on their phones. She went on to say that she would keep going on Fridays to school in protest of the climate until Sweden complied with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.Thunberg's ascent to prominence as a global icon was propelled by her youth and direct communication style.[4]

Other students staged comparable demonstrations in their local communities not long after Thunberg's initial school walkout in support of the climate movement. Then, banding together under the name Fridays for Future, they planned the school strike for the climate movement. Global student protests against climate change took place every Friday following Thunberg's speech at the 2018 UN Climate Change Conference. Over a million students participated in a number of well-organized protests across several cities in 2019.[5] Thunberg travelled from Plymouth, England to New York City, where she spoke at the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit, on a carbon-free yacht, to avoid flying."How dare you," Thunberg cried out in her speech, criticising the world's leaders for what she saw as their complacency and lack of response to the climate catastrophe. Her reprimand garnered international attention.


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