Tuesday 16 April 2024


In his new memoir, the celebrated novelist reflects on the 2022 stabbing that nearly took his life

The most effective sections of "Knife" examine the psychological effects of the assault while also touching on more general issues of brutality. Rushdie states that "the targets of violence experience a crisis in their understanding of the real." An attack similar to the one he endured "smashes" the customary politeties. "Reality dissolves, and the incomprehensible takes its place." In fact, Rushdie felt that his attacker's motivations were so flimsy as to be completely unbelievable. Matar stated that he thought the victim of his crime was "disingenuous," which is why he committed the crime. Rushdie quips wryly that that would be a "unconvincing motive if one were to use it in crime fiction." Thus, the intriguing decision made by the author to picture a dialogue with a more fascinating foe.

But there aren't many ideas about violence, fact, or fiction. "Knife" mostly stays true to the facts: the stabbing, the pain, and the recovery. It's not that Rushdie doesn't have more important points to make; it's just that they are well known by now and have little bearing on the remainder of his story. Hectoring lectures about the foolishness of younger generations is one of his tendencies. He bemoans the fact that "something strange has happened to the idea of privacy in our surreal time."It seems to have evolved from being treasured to being viewed as a worthless trait that is actually undesirable by many individuals in the West, particularly young people. Something doesn't truly exist if it is not made public. Later on, he criticises the "bien-pensant left," pointing out that their focus on defending the rights of minorities has undermined "freedom of speech." He doesn't elaborate on the relationship, if any, between his blatantly reactionary attacker and the "bien-pensant left." These polemics are more like passivity than well-reasoned or relevant arguments.


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