Monday 22 April 2024

🌟EARTH DAY 🌟 2024


Earth Day's inception dates back to 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson of the United States and Harvard student Denis Hayes came up with the concept for the event. Both the massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in January 1969 and the United States' declining environmental conditions deeply troubled them. He was deeply troubled by the effects on the environment and wished to channel the vigour of student demonstrations into the growing public awareness of air and water pollution. In order to organise the campus teach-ins and spread awareness of environmental conservation, he enlisted the help of young activist Denis Hayes. In an effort to boost student involvement, they selected April 22 as the weekday in between Spring Break and Final Examinations. Its quick success was demonstrateda by a enormous turnout in the US, with 20 million participants.

History of Earth Day


GEOMAGNETIC STORMS A geomagnetic storm is a significant disruption of the magnetosphere around Earth that happens when energy f...